Information for Shareholder Owners
Elizabeth Gardens is a company title building with specific requirements under company title regulations.
About Company Title
Elizabeth Gardens is a Company Title Building with a voluntary Board of Directors, who, with the company secretary, manage the building for the benefit of shareholders and residents. The board of directors meets when appropriate and an Annual General Meeting is held towards the end of each year.
Company titles are an older form of unit ownership. They are commonly associated with older buildings in Elizabeth Bay, Edgecliff, Mosman, Potts Point, and other suburbs. In Elizabeth Bay, Company Title blocs of flats remain the norm. They are nothing to be afraid of but do ensure that you fully understand their particularities and how they differ from the more common Strata Title before buying into one.

Elizabeth Gardens company title owners have a share certificate (rather than a deed) entailing the right to occupy a defined area in the building. This means that prospective owners need to be approved before purchase.
The company secretary arranges interviews with prospective buyers and tenants, as well as undertaking the administration of the building itself. Company title buildings have house rules and all unit occupants are bound by these rules.
Shareholders elect Directors and there are between five and nine generally. Shareholders are entitled to vote on various issues at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), when the auditing of the accounts has been finalised. Changes may involve alterations to the articles of association or house rules.
Elizabeth Gardens company title owners have a share certificate (rather than a deed) entailing the right to occupy a defined area in the building. This means that prospective owners need to be approved before purchase.
The company secretary arranges interviews with prospective buyers and tenants, as well as undertaking the administration of the building itself. Company title buildings have house rules and all unit occupants are bound by these rules.
Shareholders elect Directors and there are between five and nine generally. Shareholders are entitled to vote on various issues at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), when the auditing of the accounts has been finalised. Changes may involve alterations to the articles of association or house rules.

New Owners
Those intending to purchase a unit in Elizabeth Gardens are required to attend a meeting with assigned board members prior to purchase.
Renovation Request to the Board of Directors
This form has been developed to assist with your renovation request. It should be submitted to Stratamark with all relevant documentation for the approval of the Board of Directors.
House Rules for Elizabeth Gardens:
Please contact the managing if you require assistance:
Elizabeth Gardens’ insurance covers all permanent fixtures but does not cover personal belongings or paint and floor coverings. Public Risk insurance held by the company only covers common areas. Damage caused by the occupant’s negligence is not covered by the building’s insurance. Home and contents insurance is entirely the occupant’s responsibility.
Elizabeth Gardens levies are paid on invoices issued quarterly via email or post by the company secretary, and payable over the internet by DEFT, by DEFT Phonepay, BPay, credit card, by cheque sent by post, or in person at any post office by cheque, or EFTPOS.
Elizabeth Gardens Articles Of Association
Application for Transfer of Shares
For further information